Test of Reasoning - Alphabetic Analogy

alphabet ranks

1. JLNP : OMKI : : SUWY : ?

Explanation: The missing letters in JLNP are arranged in a reverse order in OMKI. Similarly, the missing letters in SUWY would be RTVX, which arranged in reverse would be XVTR.

2. FILM : ADGH : : MILK : ?

Explanation: Between the corresponding letters of FILM and ADGH there are 4 letters each, for example between F and A there are 4 letters EDCB. Similary, MIL relate to HDG and K relates to F

3. BJNT : CIOS : : DHPV : ?

Explanation: Watch the relationship between the corresponding letters of BJNT and CIOS. B -> C; J <- I; N -> O; T <- S. Following the same rule EGQU is the answer.

4. KIJM : QOPS : : MKLO : ?

Explanation: Between corresponding letters of KIJM and QOPS there are five letters each. K - L M N O P - Q; I - J K L M N - O; J - K L M N O - P; M - N O P Q R - S.

5. ACEG : IKMO :: PRTV : ?

Explanation: When all the sets are taken together, every alternate letter from A to Z has been omitted.

6. CLOSE : DNRWJ : : OPEN : ?

Explanation: The gap between the corresponding letters of the sets CLOSE and DNRWJ increases from 0 to 4. C - D; L - M - N; O - PQ - R; S - TUV - W; E - FGHI - J. Thus O of OPEN corresponds to P, P corresponds to R, E corresponds to H and N corresponds to R.


Explanation: The 5th and 3rd letters of DRIVEN have been removed and placed at 1st and 2nd position without disturbing other letters.

8. DCHG : LKOP : : FEJI : ?

Explanation: The letters used are from C to R. The letters have been used and omitted in pairs and placed in reverse position. CD, GH, KL and OP have been used in the first set while EF, IJ, MN and QR have been used in the second set.

9. CAD : FDG : : ? : XZW

Explanation: There is a gap of 2 letters between corresponding letters of CDA and FDG. C - DE - F; A - BC - D; D - EF - G.


Explanation: The position of the letters has been interchanged in pairs.

11. SKIP : RIFL : : KYKZ : ?

Explanation: The gap between the corresponding letters of SKIP and RIFL progressively increases from 0 to 3 as shown — S - R; K - J - I; I - HG - F; P - ONM - L.

12. HKNQ : GDAX : : SVYB : ?

Explanation: The first letter G precedes H, the second letter D is 7 letter before K. Only ROLI satisfies similar condition for SVYB.


Explanation: Each letter in REASON precedes the letters in SFBTPO.

14. BCFE : HILK : : NORQ : ?

Explanation: Each letter of HILK is 6th letter after each letter of BCFE.

15. ACES : EGIW :: ? : FSEX

Explanation: Each letter of EGIW is 4th letter after each letter of ACES.

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