Weather Instruments and Climatic Lines

Weather Instruments

InstrumentUsed for
Minimum and Maximum ThermometerRecording the minimum and maximum temperature of a place over a period of time
Rain Gauge (Udometer)Measuring the rain
AnemometerMeasuring the wind speed
BarometerMeasuring the atmosphereic pressure
Wind VaneFinding the direction of the wind.
HygrometerMeasuring the humidity.

Climatic Lines

Line Importance
IsobarsThey are lines on a map connecting places of equal atmospheric pressure.
IsothermsThey are lines on a map connecting places of equal temperature.
IsohyetsThey are lines on a map connecting places of equal amount of rainfall over a period of time.
IsohelsThey are lines on a map connecting places of same mean daily duration of sunshine.
IsonephsThey are lines on a map connecting places of same mean value of cloud cover.
IsohalineThey are lines on a ocean map connecting places of equal salinity.
IsohumeThey are lines on a map connecting places of equal relative humidity.