Indian Railways - Training Institutes and Manufacturing Units

Railway Training Institutes

Name of the InstituteLocation
1. National Academy of Indian Railways (Railway Staff College)Vadodara
2. Indian Railway Institute of Civil EngineeringPune
3. Indian Railway Institute of Signal Engineering and TelecommunicationsSecunderabad
4. Indian Railway Institute of Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringJamalpur
5. Indian Railway Institute of Electrical EngineeringNasik
6. Indian Railway Institute of Transport ManagementLucknow
7. Indian Railway Institute of Financial ManagementSecunderabad

Railway Manufacturing Units

Name of the UnitLocation
1. Chittaranjan Locomotive WorksChittaranjan, West Bengal
2. Central Organisation for Railway ElectrificationAllahabad, Uttar Pradesh
3. Diesel Locomotive WorksVaranasi, Uttar Pradesh
4. Diesel Loco Modernisation WorksPatiala, Punjab
5. Integral Coach FactoryChennai, Tamil Nadu
6. Rail Coach FactoryKapurthala, Punjab
7. Rail Wheel Factory (Wheel and Axle Plant)Bangalore, Karnataka
8. Modern Coach FactoryRaebareli, Uttar Pradesh
9. Rail Wheel PlantChhapra, Bihar
10. Diesel Component FactoryDankuni, West Bengal

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