This section contains well known fables like The Lion and the Mouse, The Hare and the Tortoise, The Crow and the Jackal retold using advanced vocabulary with doses of some verses added for fun. Click on the link to go to the section and learn and have fun.
This section contains over 400 questions on Correction of Sentences or Spot the Error in Sentences. Each page has 10 sentences with errors for practice in locating the errors. The answers and the explanation are given below each page for review. Click on the link to go to the section and learn and have fun.
This section containing over 200 questions is different from the Correction of Sentences. Here each sentence has an erroneous part which has been underlined and you are to select one out of the four options which will substitute the underlined part and correct the error. The answers and the explanation are given at the end for review. Click on the link to go to the section and learn and have fun.
Idioms and Phrases are an integral part of the English language as they add colour and nuance to communication. To one not familiar with English language, an idiom may not be easy to understand. Here, we have over 150 idioms and phrases for practice and understadnding. Click on the link to go to the section and learn and have fun.
This section has some innovative and interesting pages. For example one page is dedicated to words related to truth and falsehood, while another page seeks to clear the meanings of pairs of confusing words. We also have a page on important adjectives and five-letter words.
This section contains 10 pages with each page containing 15 one word substitutes. They are in the form of practice test so that you can learn as you practice.
Improve your spelling skills with our self-test quizzes and aural quiz. Practice spelling words correctly with interactive exercises and challenge yourself with our audio quiz. Perfect for learners of all ages and skill levels. Start enhancing your spelling abilities today.
This section contains practice exercise for improving your language skills. Words and phrases have been jumbled up and you are to form meaningful sentence using the words and phrases. To make the task easier, we have provided various combinations as options. Click on the option and test yourself.
Do you know how "Open the door" can be expressed in passive voice, or how a question, "Who laughed at you?" can be asked in a passive voice. If your have the inclination to test yourself, these pages are for you. The more you practice, the better is your English going to be.
Often is to seldom, frugal is to extravagant, yield is to resist and similar words and their antonyms for practice in the over 150 sentences. Test yourself and learn on your way through this section.
This section contains 35 pages with each page containing 20 questions to test yourself on English Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling. Test yourself for practice and consequential improvement in English language skills.
This section contains alphabetical list of words and their synonyms in over 10 pages. Each page is also equipped with a colourful timed quiz wherein you can test yourself on what you have learned. Once you have finished, your vocabulary will be astonishingly rich and your confidence at a new level.
Indirect speech or Reported speech is an important skill for English learners. It is commonly used in coversation, journalism and literature. In reported speech, the speaker conveys the meaning of someone's words rather than repeating the words verbatim. As with other sections, practice and learn through 150 questions spread over 15 pages.
This is a relatively small section but more popular than many other sections. This section has blanks to be filled in by typing, rather than selecting the options by clicking. So get ready to exercise your fingers as you type in the suitable forms of verbs given at the end of each sentence.
Cloze tests were first developed by a psychologist named Wilson Taylor in 1953. Cloze test means gap test. A paragraph contains several gaps which the user is required to fill either on his own or from the given options. This section has over 25 paragraphs for your practice.
With over 60 questions to answer, these type of tests are a variation of vocabulary tests wherein the emphasis is on suitability rather than just the meaning of the word. Visit the pages to know for yourself the nuances of English language.