Largest, Tallest, Fastest, Smallest among Animals

*** इस पृष्ठ को हिंदी में पढ़े ***‌

Largest mammal (also largest animal)Blue Whale
Smallest mammalBumblebee Bat
Largest land animalAfrican Elephant
Fastest land animalCheetah
Tallest animalGiraffe
Largest monkeyMandrill
Smallest monkeyPygmy Marmoset
Largest apeGorilla
Smallest apeGibbon
Largest reptileSaltwater Crocodile
Largest land carnivorePolar Bear
Largest rodentCapybara
Smallest rodentPygmy Jerboa
Longest venomous snakeKing Cobra
Largest fishWhale Shark
Largest amphibianChinese Giant Salamander
Largest snakeAnaconda
Largest birdOstrich
Smallest birdHummingbird
Tallest flying birdSarus Crane
Fastest flying birdPeregrine Falcon
Bird with the longest wingspanWandering Albatross
Largest invertebrateGiant Squid
Animal with longest lifespanTortoise
Largest butterflyAlexandra's Birdwing
Largest beeWallace's giant bee
Largest living lizardKomodo dragon


Select the right answer

1. Which of the following is the smallest ape?

2. Which of the following is the largest rodent?

3. Which of the following is the smallest mammal?

4. Which is fastest flying bird in the world?

5. Which is the largest snake in the world?

6. Which is the largest monkey in the world?

7. Which of the following is the largest land carnivore in the world?