G-20 and G-7 member countries

G - 20 Countries

Formed: 1999

Headquarters: No permanent HQs or Secretariat

The G20 or Group of 20 is an intergovernmental forum which works to address major issues related to the global economy.

Number of Members: 19 countries and European Union

Presidency: By yearly rotation from 01 December to 30 November

1.ArgentinaBuenos Aires11.JapanTokyo
2.AustraliaCanberra12.MexicoMexico City
4.CanadaOttawa14.Saudi ArabiaRiyadh
5.ChinaBeijing15.South Africa*
6.FranceParis16.South KoreaSeoul
8.IndiaNew Delhi18.United KingdomLondon
9.IndonesiaJakarta19.U.S.AWashington D.C.
10.ItalyRome20.European Union-

G - 7 Countries

Does not have a permanent secretariat, or office

# Country Capital Date of Joining
1. USA Washington DC 1975
2. United Kingdom London 1975
3. France Paris 1975
4. Japan Tokyo 1975
5. Germany Berlin 1975
6. Italy Rome 1975
7. Canada Ottawa 1976
Russia was a member of G-8 from 1997 to 2014.