CDS Questions on Indian Judiciary

Questions on Supreme Court, High Court and Tribunals

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CDS 2013-II

1. Power of the Supreme Court of India to decide the dispute between Centre and State falls under :

  1. Advisory jurisdiction
  2. Original jurisdiction
  3. Appellate jurisdiction
  4. Constitutional jurisdiction

CDS 2014-II

2. Which of the following statements about Indian Judiciary is not correct?

  1. The Constitution of India has not provided for double system of courts as in the United States
  2. The organization of the subordinate judiciary in India varies slightly from State to State
  3. Every State in India has separate High Court
  4. The Supreme Court has issued direction to constitute an All India Judicial Service to bring about uniformity in designation of officers in criminal and civil side

CDS 2016-I

3. Which of the statements given below is / are correct?

  1. The ideal of a common civil code is set forth in Article 44 of the Constitution of India.
  2. In certain respects, the High Courts in India have been given more extensive powers than the Supreme Court.
  3. The Supreme Court of India, the first fully independent Court for the country, was set up under the Constitution of India in 1950.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

  1. 1, 2 and 3
  2. 2 and 3 only
  3. 1 only
  4. 3 only

CDS 2016-II

4. Which one of the following is NOT true about the powers of the Supreme Court?

  1. The Supreme Court has original and exclusive jurisdiction in inter-governmental disputes.
  2. The Supreme Court has advisory jurisdiction on a question of law or fact which may be referred to it by the President of India.
  3. The Supreme Court has the power to review its own judgment or order.
  4. The Supreme Court has the exclusive power to issue writs to protect the fundamental rights of the people.

CDS 2017-I

5. Which of the following are the powers of the Supreme Court of India?

  1. Original jurisdiction in a dispute between the Government of India and one or more States.
  2. The power to hear appeals from the High Court.
  3. Passing decrees and orders for doing justice in any matter before it.
  4. Render advice to the President of India in matters of law.

Select the correct answer using the code given below

  1. 1, 2, 3 and 4
  2. 1, 2 and 3 only
  3. 1 and 2 only
  4. 3 and 4 only

CDS 2018-II

6. Which one of the following criteria is NOT required to be qualified for appointment as Judge of the Supreme Court?

  1. At least five years as a Judge of a High Court
  2. At least ten years as an Advocate of a High Court
  3. In the opinion of the President, a distinguished Jurist
  4. At least twenty years as a Sub-Judicial Magistrate

CDS 2019-I

7. Which one of the following is NOT correct about Administrative Tribunals?

  1. The Parliament may by law constitute Administrative Tribunals both at the Union and State levels.
  2. Tribunals may look into disputes and complaints with respect ot recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed to public services.
  3. Tribunals established by a law of the Parliament can exclude the jurisdiction of all Courts to allow for special to appeal.
  4. The law establishing the Tribunals may provide for procedures including rules of evidence to be followed.

CDS 2019-II

8. Which law prescribes that all proceeding in the Supreme Court shall be in English language?

  1. Article 145 of the Constitution of India
  2. Article 348 of the Constitution of India
  3. The Supreme Court Rules, 1966
  4. An Act passed by the Parliament

9. Consider the following statements:

  1. The Advocate General of a State in India is appointed by the President of India upon the recommendations of the Governor of the concerned State.
  2. As provided in the Code of Civil Procedure, High Courts have original appellate advisory jurisdiction at the State level.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 only
  2. 2 only
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Neither 1 nor 2

CDS 2020-I

10. The power of the Supreme Court to decide in the case of a dispute between two or more States is called

  1. original jurisdiction
  2. inherent jurisdiction
  3. plenary jurisdiction
  4. advisory jurisdiction