Click on the option which gives the correct sequence in which the words should be arranged to make a meaningful sentence.


1. The food at the party/(P) served/(Q) was delicious/(R) but not wholesome/(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. PRSQ
  2. QPRS
  3. RSPQ
  4. QRSP

The food

2. In one of the Asian countries as well as/(P) women/(Q) wear salwars/(R) men/(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. PSRQ
  2. PQRS
  3. SPQR
  4. RQPS

In one of the Asian countries

3. You won’t believe me, to see him/(P) I went/(Q) but whenever/(R) he was out/(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. PQRS
  2. QRSP
  3. SRPQ
  4. RQPS

You won’t believe me,

4. As the car stood up/(P) to greet him/(Q) came near the door/(R) the waiters/(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. QPSR
  2. SRPQ
  3. RSPQ
  4. PRSQ

As the car

5. At last had come/(P) she had been/(Q) the moment/(R) waiting for/(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. RQSP
  2. QSPR
  3. SQRP
  4. QRPS

At last


6. Coming late, lest/(P) he should disturb the class/(Q) John tiptoed into the room/(R) which was going on seriously./(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. PQRS
  2. RSPQ
  3. QSPR
  4. RPQS

Coming late,

7. If people who commit crimes/(P) they will go on/(Q) committing crimes/(R) are not punished./(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. PQRS
  2. PSQR
  3. RSPQ
  4. QSPR


8. To cross the broken bridge/(P) not knowing how/(Q) to wade through the river/(R) they decided/(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. PQRS
  2. RSQP
  3. SRPQ
  4. QPSR

9. To switch off/(P) the television/(Q) please feel free/(R) if you do not like this programme/(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. PQRS
  2. QPRS
  3. SRPQ
  4. RSQP

Ordering of Words in a Sentence

Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 1Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 2Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 3Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 4Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 5Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 6Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 7Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 8Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 9Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 10Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 11Ordering of Words in a Sentence – 12

10. The rising prices out of gear/(P) have thrown/(Q) important industries/(R) many of our/(S)

The correct sequence should be

  1. SPQR
  2. RSPQ
  3. QPSR
  4. QPRS

The rising prices