Click on the part of the sentence you think is incorrect to test yourself.
Sentence | Ans |
1. The reason for (A)/ his failure is because(B)/ he did not work hard.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
2. Food as well as water(A)/ is necessary(B)/ for life.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
3. India is larger than(A)/ any democracies(B)/ in the world.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
4. The Judge heard the arguments (A)/ of the lawyers and found(B)/ that the boy was innocent.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
5. I have lived(A)/ in Delhi(B)/ from 1965.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
6. All scientists agree(A)/ that there should be(B)/ a total ban on nuclear explosions.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
7. Such books(A)/ which you read(B)/ are not worth reading.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
8. Tagore was(A)/ one of the greatest poet (B)/ that ever lived.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
9. You may please(A)/ apply for an advance of salary(B)/ to cover costs of transport.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
10. The taxi that will take the family to Haridwar (A)/ had to be ready(B)/ at six the next morning.(C)/ No error (D)/ | |
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1. The reason for his failure is that he did not work hard
3. India is larger than any other democracy in the world.
5. I have lived in Delhi since 1965.
7. Such books as you read are not worth reading.
8. Tagore was one of the greatest poets that ever lived.
9. You may please apply for an advance of salary to cover the cost of transport.
10. The taxi that would take the family to Haridwar had to be ready at six the next morning.