As the Wind passed the Sun one day, it arrogantly remarked
I am strong and bold,
No power can my force withhold."
The Sun replied, "Your might we'll see,
In a competition between you and me."
So the Wind and the Sun engaged in a competition to ascertain their respective puissance. They concurred to employ their respective abilities to disrobe a passing vagrant of his cloak. The Wind took the first turn and commenced to blow fiercely, it ravaged the landscape, causing the trees to quiver and shed their foliage abundantly. Some boughs succumbed to the tempest and were hurled away by the forceful gusts. The traveller’s cloak fluttered frenetically in the air. However, the harder the Wind blustered, the more steadfastly the man clung to his cloak.
Subsequently, it was the Sun's turn to endeavour. The Sun radiated brightly and the temperature soared to all time highs. The man sweated from head to foot. He was parched due to lack of water. Soon it became unbearable for the man to continue wearing the cloak. He voluntarily divested himself of his cloak, and thus the Sun was declared the victor.
The Wind conceded with a gusty sigh,
"I may be strong, but you're stronger, Oh Sun, so high."
"I bow to your warmth and gentle ways,
For even the mightiest must yield to your rays."

1. puissance: strength, power
The puissance of the mighty river was evident as it surged relentlessly, shaping the landscape over centuries.
2. vagrant: a person without a settled home, a beggar
As night falls, the posh street becomes a refuge for vagrants seeking shelter in front of closed shops and hoping for leftover food from closing restaurants.
3. frenetically: involving a lot of excitement or activity
The chef worked frenetically in the bustling kitchen, ensuring every dish was prepared to perfection for the evening's guests.
4. bluster: talk in a loud aggressive manner
The politician blustered through the debate, using grand gestures and loud proclamations to make a memorable impression.
5. steadfast: not subject to change, faithful and loyal
Despite facing numerous challenges, she remained steadfast in her commitment to achieving her long-term goals.
6. endeavour: to make effort, to work hard
In every creative endeavour, there is a moment of inspiration that propels the artist forward in the pursuit of their vision.
7. divest: deprive someone of
The company decided to divest its non-core assets to streamline its operations and focus on its core business.
8. concede: to admit, often unwillingly
After a heated argument, he finally conceded that he may have been too hasty in dismissing her perspective.