The birth place of Jesus Christ is Bethlehum. Its present day location is in West Bank in Palestine. |
The forty days period of fasting before Good Friday is called Lent. |
Good Friday is the day of Jesus Christ death while Easter, the Sunday which follows Good Friday is the day of his resurrection. |
Judas Iscariot was, according to the New Testament, one of the twelve original apostles of Jesus, and the one who betrayed him. |
The first Christian saint to visit India was St Thomas in 52 A.D. |
The country with the highest number of Christians in the world is the United States of America. |
The first authorized version of the Bible also known as King James’ version was published in 1611. |
The Ten Commandments were brought to the people from God by Moses |
Gregorian Calendar (Christian Era) came into being from 1582. Introduced by Pope Gregory XIII to provide corrections in the Julian Calendar. |
Pope, the head of Roman Catholic Church resides in Vatican City, a landlocked country in Italy, also the smallest country in the world. |
All Saints Day is the day for all saints who have no special day of their own. It is celebrated on 1 Nov every year. It is immediately followed by All Souls Day on 2 Nov. |