Choose the Word Nearest in Meaning

Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four words/group of words. Select the option NEAREST IN MEANING to the underlined word by clicking on it. You can change the option as many times as you like.


1. The properties of the family have been IMPOUNDED by the order of the court.

  1. confiscated
  2. permitted
  3. sold
  4. put on hold

2. The officer in charge of the operations has been IMPUGNED for the excesses.

  1. expelled
  2. rewarded
  3. challenged
  4. given allowance

3. Cognitivist and linguists believe that every child is born with INNATE qualities.

  1. biological
  2. intrinsic
  3. extrinsic
  4. unnatural

4. It was OBLIGATORY for the board to implement the rule.

  1. compulsory
  2. unnecesary
  3. by chance
  4. problematic

5. They describe the act as a blatant BETRAYAL of faith.

  1. loyal
  2. faithfulness
  3. treachery
  4. honesty

6. However, if it must decide, then it should do so on the NARROWEST ground possible.

  1. wildest
  2. slightly
  3. smallest
  4. thick

7. This is akin to a contractual relationship that places obligations on the entities entrusted with data.

  1. removed
  2. narrow
  3. similar
  4. unparallel

8. Many communication problems can be attributed directly to misunderstandings and inaccuracies.

  1. disapproved
  2. unofficial
  3. ascribed
  4. tribute

9. The exemptions granted to State institutions for acquiring informed consent from processing personal data in many cases appear to be too blanket.

  1. obtaining
  2. losing
  3. giving
  4. thinking

10. The manner in which this exercise has been undertaken leaves much to be desired .

  1. disliked
  2. unlikely
  3. wished for
  4. asked for

11. He is always ANXIOUS.

  1. worried
  2. dispassionate
  3. sluggish
  4. torpid

12. The poems of Kabir are ECSTATIC in nature.

  1. efficacious
  2. eerie
  3. rapturous
  4. reverential

13. Ravi loves SECLUSION. Therefore, he lives in the mountains.

  1. nature
  2. scripture
  3. seafaring
  4. solitariness

14. Hitler was a DESPOT.

  1. conservative
  2. dictator
  3. passionate
  4. monstrous

15. The imagery used in the poem is VIVID.

  1. lively
  2. inert
  3. ebullient
  4. caustic

16. A human being is always VULNERABLE to other human beings.

  1. resilient
  2. elastic
  3. defenceless
  4. crude

17. His language is political and VITRIOLIC.

  1. imaginative
  2. sprightly
  3. vivacious
  4. abusive

18. The Managing Director of the company declared that he is BROKE and there is a need to seek support from the government.

  1. bankrupt
  2. rich
  3. making profit
  4. having liabilities

19. He loves doing NASTY things.

  1. nice
  2. fastidious
  3. foul
  4. finicky

20. He could not MUSTER courage to speak the truth before his friend.

  1. injure
  2. spoil
  3. gather
  4. maim

21. Some people complain when they ENCOUNTER a small misfortune in the course of their thoroughly happy life.

  1. run into
  2. run away
  3. run down
  4. run with

22. The world is full of MISERIES.

  1. indifferent love
  2. perfect happiness
  3. great suffering
  4. moderate sympathies

23. A glance at a beautiful object gives us DELIGHT.

  1. wisdom
  2. happiness
  3. purity
  4. peace

24. It is terrible for people to die of STARVATION.

  1. starch
  2. staple
  3. plenty
  4. hunger

25. The university has constituted a GRIEVANCE redressal committe to look into the matter.

  1. depression
  2. complaint
  3. abrasion
  4. gratefulness

26. Rakesh delivered a SLANDEROUS speech.

  1. abusive
  2. praiseworthy
  3. moderate
  4. inspiring

27. Suddenly, the sky was darkened by a GIGANTIC bird.

  1. winged
  2. small
  3. tiny
  4. enormous

28. To ABOLISH poverty would be to destroy the soil upon which mankind produces the virtues conducive to higher civilization.

  1. detest
  2. eradicate
  3. nurture
  4. assimilate

29. The Arabs who are not in the cities live in the desert throughout the year, shifting from one OASIS to another.

  1. sandbank
  2. mound
  3. dune
  4. spring

30. The VARIOUS facets of life can be found reflected in a large city.

  1. several
  2. similar
  3. valuable
  4. singular


31. All the developments that took place in the 20th century have had IMPLICATION for the next century.

  1. consequences
  2. interferences
  3. feedback
  4. planning

32. He is such a leader that his actions are CONTAGIOUS.

  1. complicated
  2. transmittable
  3. effective
  4. unthinkable

33. The budget INCORPORATED a number of tax reforms which included higher taxes for the very rich.

  1. excluded
  2. integrated
  3. laid down
  4. removed

34. His thesis makes all GENERIC statements which have already been proved.

  1. specific
  2. crude
  3. broad
  4. non-standard

35. The captain produced yet another STELLAR show to make her team enter the semi-finals.

  1. extraordinary
  2. eclipse
  3. poor
  4. not a great

36. A new show is trying to change the CLICHED depictions of women in animation.

  1. original
  2. hackneyed
  3. crony
  4. artificial

37. Not everyone finds a VOCATION which suits one’s aptitude.

  1. attitude
  2. approach
  3. liking
  4. occupation

38. Uninterrupted rain had fatigued the commuters from the outskirts to the city and work suffered .

  1. excited
  2. refreshed
  3. slowed
  4. exhausted

39. The leader said, “I am AGHAST with the developments so far. I will take time to understand this”.

  1. satisfied
  2. sad
  3. amused
  4. horrified

40. The cause of the accident is yet to be ASCERTAINED, but police officials suspect the driver of the vehicle allegedly fell asleep.

  1. determined
  2. curtained
  3. thought of
  4. being known

41. Rahul is always THRIFTY.

  1. reckless
  2. economical
  3. naive
  4. extravagant

42. His SALUBRIOUS words calmed the students.

  1. provoking
  2. pleasant
  3. ridiculous
  4. thanking

43. He felt DESOLATED after he lost his business.

  1. deserted
  2. joyful
  3. strong
  4. annoyed

44. Don't CONDONE such acts which lead to unrest in the country.

  1. regard
  2. punish
  3. aware of
  4. overlook

45. A good work place shall not encourage INEPTITUDE even in a hidden manner.

  1. incompetence
  2. courage
  3. gossip
  4. radical thinking

46. Learning of foreign language should not IMPEDE one's mother tongue learning.

  1. facilitate
  2. acts for
  3. hinder
  4. accept

47. EXTRADITION of the leader of the group was debated for hours in the meeting.

  1. acceptance
  2. sentence
  3. extension
  4. deportation

48. It was felt that the decision to remove the group from the exercise would be DETRIMENTAL to the organization.

  1. beneficial
  2. harsh
  3. disadvantageous
  4. demanding

49. His DERISIVE behaviour has led to the situation we face now.

  1. mockery
  2. conducive
  3. encouraging
  4. contemptuous

50. Any classroom should provide an ENGAGING environment for learners.

  1. carefree
  2. appealing
  3. thinking
  4. dreaming

51. A PROVOCATIVE message had been doing rounds on social media to instigate the mob against migrants.

  1. dextrous
  2. inflammatory
  3. valiant
  4. prudent

52. The differences include increase in mean temperature and heavy PRECIPITATION in several regions.

  1. drought
  2. oasis
  3. rainfall
  4. snowing

53. The portal will help victims and complainants to ANONYMOUSLY report cyber crime.

  1. incognito
  2. directly
  3. unfailingly
  4. in situ

54. He is suffering from a TERMINAL disease.

  1. sublunary
  2. terrific
  3. chronic
  4. incurable

55. Doctors are RELUCTANT to take rural postings despite big salary offers.

  1. disclined
  2. eager
  3. fervent
  4. unrepentant

56. The authorities have REPRIMANDED the subrodinate officer for violating the protocol.

  1. extolled
  2. purported
  3. admonished
  4. required an apology

57. For Gandhiji, India's religious and linguistic diversity was an ASSET, not a liability.

  1. obligation
  2. advantage
  3. attribute
  4. reinforcement

58. How HYSTERICAL he is!.

  1. berserk
  2. inconsistent
  3. duplicitous
  4. insincere

59. Mahesh is mostly PREJUDICED in his political opinion.

  1. objectionable
  2. predatory
  3. jaundiced
  4. intimate

60. Do not indulge in TAUTOLOGY.

  1. truth telling
  2. prolixity
  3. foretelling
  4. telepathic conversation

Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb – 1Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb – 2Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb – 3Fill in the blanks with suitable words – 1Fill in the blanks with suitable words – 2Fill in the blanks with suitable words – 3Choose the Word Nearest in Meaning