Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Words or Phrase

Fill in the Blanks Practice Exercise - I

Directions: Each of the following sentences has a blank space and four words/phrases are given below. Click on the word or phrase you consider most APPROPRIATE. You can change the option as many times as you like.


1. The mounting pressure was so over-whelming that he ultimately ________ to her wish.

2. Authority ________ when it is not supported by the moral purity of its user.

3. In a developing country like India some industries will have to be brought within public _______ and control, for other-wise rapid growth of the economy may be impossible.

4. Gandhiji conceived of the idea of channelizing the powerful currents of the united mass movement so as to give the utmost impetus to the national ________ for independence.

5. Because of his ________ habits, he could not save much money.

6. Socrates was _________ of spreading discontent among young men of Athens and of trying to destroy their faith in the old gods.


7. The robbers fell _________ amongst themselves over the sharing of the loot.

8. A really sophisticated person would never be ________ enough to think that he is always right.

9. Speeding and blocking are traffic offences which lead to _______ accidents.

10. Creative people are often _________ with their own uniqueness.

Fill in the Blanks Practice Exercise - II


1. Only the Chairman _________ to the proposal to build more houses.

2. These trousers are too long, ______ the length please.

3. "What did you think of the film?" " _______, I didn’t like it very much."

4. He ______ in this school since 2010.

5. "His parents died when he was young." "I think that’s why he has _________ problems."

6. There is no objection ________ if he is willing to fit in with the plans of the group.

7. Having secured the highest marks in the class, _______.

8. After they ________ lunch, the boys ran outside.

9. As he was _______ and had saved enough money, his family escaped misery when he died suddenly.

10. Some mysteries remain in desert research : especially relating to why some regions, once fertile, are now ________.

Fill in the Blanks Practice Exercise - III


1. The completion of the railway line has been held _______ owing to the workers' strike.

2. The pilot was ________ injured, he died within half an hour.

3. His _______ directions misled us, we did not know which road to take.

4. He was very friendly with the press and it really ________ him even for what he did not achieve.

5. Anand was the sort of person who always looked on the __________ side of life.

6. "How dare you speak to me like that, you ____________ fellow !" shouted the officer.

7. I refused to ___________ his rudeness any longer.

8. Let us ___________ our heads together to solve this difficult problem.

9. Rainfall in the desert is not only low but extremely ___________.

10. If mountains are __________ of trees, rains will soon wash fertile topsoil down the slope to end as useless silt below.

Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb – 1Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb – 2Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb – 3Fill in the blanks with suitable words – 1Fill in the blanks with suitable words – 2Fill in the blanks with suitable words – 3Choose the Word Nearest in Meaning