In the annals of fable and folklore, there is a timeless tale of a farmer who was blessed with a goose that laid golden eggs. Each day, he found a glittering egg in the coop and soon became wealthy beyond measure.
However, the farmer's covetousness eventually got the better of him. He became impatient with the pace of the goose's production and, in a fit of impulsive greed, decided to slaughter the goose to extract all the gold at once.
The farmer thought he'd have it all,
If only he could make the goose fall.
He failed to see what he would lose,
And in his greed, the goose he slew.
To his dismay, upon slicing open the goose's belly, he found no trace of the precious metal. The farmer's reckless behavior had cost him dearly, for he had destroyed the source of his prosperity.
This story serves as a poignant reminder that greed can lead one to make foolish and hasty decisions.
1. annals: historical records
His name has been written in golden in the annals of military history.
2. timeless: not affected by the passage of time, lasting forever
The magic of the film star is timeless and that is the reason his films do well at the box office.