Functions of Enzymes in Human Body

What are enzymes?: Enzymes are proteins that aid in digestion of food. The food that we eat cannot provide the required nutrition unless it is broken down into absorbable form. This breaking down of food is known as digestion. Different glands and organs in the digestive system secrete different enzymes to convert the food into absorbable form. Given below is the list of such enzyme and the functions carried out by them.

Enzyme Secreted by Function
Salivary Amylase (Ptyalin)Salivary GlandsConverts starch to maltose
ReninStomachConverts milk proteins to peptides
PepsinStomachConverts other proteins to peptides
Gastric AmylaseStomachConverts starch to maltose
Gastric LipaseStomachConverts butter fat into fatty acids and glycerol
TrypsinPancreasConverts proteins to peptides
ChymotrypsinPancreasConverts proteins to peptides
Steapsin (Pancreatic Lipase)PancreasConverts fats into fatty acids and glycerol
CarboxypolypeptidasePancreasConverts peptides into amino acid.
Pancreatic AmylasePancreasConverts starch to maltose
EntirokinaseSmall IntestineEntirokinase activates trypsinogen to tryspsin.
EripsinSmall IntestineConverts polypeptides to amino acids.
MaltaseSmall IntestineDigests Maltose to glucose.
SucraseSmall IntestineDigests sucrose into glucose and fructose.
LactaseSmall IntestineDigests lactose into glucose and galactose.

Quiz on Human Anatomy

Select the right answer

1. Which of the following produces the enzyme trypsin?

2. The main function of enzyme amylase is to convert -

3. Which of the following produces the enzyme ptyalin?

4. Which enzyme converts fats into fatty acids and glycerol?

5. Maltase and sucrase are enzymes produced by which organ?

6. Which organ secretes the enzyme renin?

7. Which enzyme converts proteins to peptides?


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