Fill in the blanks with suitable words - 6

Directions: Each of the following sentences has a blank space and four words are given below. Click on the word you consider most APPROPRIATE. You can change the option as many times as you like.


1. Mr. Murugan has been in this college __________ 2010.

  1. for
  2. since
  3. after
  4. before

2. We attended a __________ discourse.

  1. spiritual
  2. spirituous
  3. spirituality
  4. spiritually

3. The valley is known for its ___________ growth of vegetation.

  1. luxurious
  2. luxury
  3. luxuriant
  4. luxuriously

4. Satyajitray’s films __________ all barriers of caste, creed and religion. They are universal.

  1. transcend
  2. transcends
  3. trancend
  4. transend

5. I could hardly recognize him ___________ I saw him.

  1. after
  2. but
  3. and
  4. when

6. Google is one of the most popular search engines, it is __________ by the internet users.

  1. utilized
  2. effected
  3. examined
  4. flabbergasted

7. Raj was tired of Puja’s ___________ approach, so he asked her to make her final decision by that evening.

  1. silly-willy
  2. dilly-dally
  3. wasting
  4. thilly-nally

8. Ria is __________ at speaking languages. It is difficult to __________ only one puppy for animal shelter.

  1. adept, adapt
  2. adapt, adapt
  3. adept, adopt
  4. adapt, adopt

9. School days are considered to be the best years of your life. When my __________ year in school began, I began to think of those past enjoyable days and of my future also.

  1. penultimate
  2. absolute
  3. integral
  4. termination

10. Being __________, the judge gave a favourable verdict.

  1. sagacious
  2. pugnacious
  3. malicious
  4. tenacious