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This section contains a practice test of 20 questions on Discounts and about 20 model questions based on previous examinations on discounts. Practice in a time bound manner and evaluate yourself or just go through model questions and their solutions to improve your understanding of problems on discounts.



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1. The successive discount of 15%, 20% and 25% on an arcile is equivalent to the single discount of

2. While selling a watch, a shopkeeper gives a discount of 8%. If he gives a discount of 10%, he earns Rs. 20 less as profit. What is the marked price of the watch?

3. A retailer gets a discount of 40% on the printed price of an article. The retailer sells it at the printed price. His gain percent is

4. A fan is listed at Rs. 150 with a discount of 20%. What additional discount must be offered to the customer to bring the net price to Rs. 108?

5. A dealer marks a washing machine for Rs. 7500 and allows a discount of 6% on it. Find the selling price.

6. Two successive discounts of 10% and 20% are equivalent to a single discount of

7. A shopkeeper marks his goods 50% more than the cost price and allows a discount of 25%. His profi or loss percentage is

8. A merchant changed his trade discount from 25% to 15%. This would increase selling price by

9. A trader marks his goods in such a way that after allowing a discount of 10% he gains 15%. If an article costs him Rs. 720, his marked price is

10. The price of a chair is Rs. 500. It has been sold at two successive discounts of 10% each. What is its selling price?

11. A shopkeeper earns a profit of 12% on selling a book at 10% discount on the printed price. The ratio of cost price to the printed price of the book is

12. A watch is listed for Rs. 230 and is sold at a discount of 12%, then the sale price of the watch is

13. A bookseller allowed 15% discount on the books sold. Sunil purchased books worth Rs. 1500. How much will he have to pay the bookseller?

14. A shopkeeper allows 20% discount on the marked price of his articles. Find the marked price of an article for which he charges Rs. 740.

15. A shopkeeper marks his goods 40% above the cost price and allows a discount of 25% on it. His gain % is

16. Two shopkeepers announce the same price of Rs. 700 for a sewing machine. The first offers successive discounts of 30% and 6% while the second offers successive discounts of 20% and 16%. The difference in their selling prices is

17. A shopkeeper earns a profit of 15% after selling a book at 20% discount on the printed price. The ratio of the cost price and printed price of the book is

18. The rate of discount being given on a shirt where selling price is Rs. 546 after deducting a discount of Rs. 109 on its marked price is?

19. The marked price is 10% higher than the cost price. A discount of 10% is given on the marked price. What is the profit or loss to the seller?

20. A dealer marks his goods 20% above cost price. He then allows some discount on it and makes a profit of 8%. The rate of discount is

Successive Discounts Calculator

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Enter '0' if you have only 1 or 2 discount values.


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1. Applied to a bill for Rs. 1,00,000 the difference between a discount of 40% and two successive discounts of 36% and 4% is:  

  1. Nil
  2. Rs. 1440
  3. Rs. 2500
  4. Rs. 4000

Selling Price Formula

2. On a 20% discount sale, an article costs Rs. 596. What was the original price of the article?  

  1. Rs. 720
  2. Rs. 735
  3. Rs. 745
  4. Rs. 775

3. A discount of 15% on one article is the same as discount of 20% on a second article. The costs of the two articles can be:  

  1. Rs. 85, Rs. 60
  2. Rs. 60, Rs. 40
  3. Rs. 40, Rs. 20
  4. Rs. 80, Rs. 60

Marked Price Formula

4. A discount of 2 ½% is given to the customer on marked price of an article. A man bought the article for Rs. 39. The marked price of article is:  

  1. Rs. 40
  2. Rs. 36.5
  3. Rs. 42
  4. Rs. 41.5

5. Printed price of an article is Rs. 900 but the retailer gets a discount of 40%. He sells the article for Rs. 900. Retailer’s gain percent is:  

  1. 40
  2. 60
  3. 662/3
  4. 681/3

Equal successive discounts

6. The marked price of a watch was Rs. 720. A man bought the same watch for Rs. 550.80, after getting two successive discounts. If the first discount was 10%, what was the second discount rate?  

  1. 12%
  2. 15%
  3. 14%
  4. 18%

7. A shopkeeper marks his goods 20% above cost price, but allows 30% discount for cash. His net loss is:  

  1. 8%
  2. 10%
  3. 16%
  4. 20%

8. A retailer buys 40 pens at the marked price of 36 pens from a wholesaler. If he sells these pens giving a discount of 1%, what is the profit percent?  

  1. 9%
  2. 10%
  3. 10 1/9 %
  4. 11%.

9. A dealer offers a discount of 10% on the marked price of an article and still makes a profit of 20%. If its marked price is Rs. 800, then the cost price of the article is:  

  1. Rs. 900
  2. Rs. 800
  3. Rs. 700
  4. Rs. 600.

10. Successive discounts of 20% and 10% are equivalent to a single discount of :  

  1. 28%
  2. 15%
  3. 30%
  4. 25%

Unequal successive discounts

11. A tradesman marks his goods 10% above his cost price. If he allows his customers 10% discount on the marked price, how much profit or loss does he make, if any?  

  1. 1% gain
  2. 1% loss
  3. 5% gain
  4. No gain, no loss.

12. A product has a marked price of Rs. 100. What would be its selling price if successive discounts of 10%, 15% and 20% are given on it?  

  1. Rs. 55
  2. Rs. 56.40
  3. Rs. 61.20
  4. Rs. 67.80

13. A trader purchases an item for Rs. 540 and sets it marked price at 20% above the cost price. He then sells it at a discount of 10% on the marked price. What is his profit percentage?  

  1. 10%
  2. 12%
  3. 15%
  4. 8%

14. If after two successive discounts of 20% and 35%, an item is sold for Rs. 5200, what is its marked price?  

  1. Rs. 10,000
  2. Rs. 9,800
  3. Rs. 9,000
  4. Rs. 8,000

15. A trader marks his goods at 50% above the cost price and sells half of the items after offering a discount of 20%. Later he marks his goods at 60% above the cost price and sells the left over half offering the same discount of 20%. What is his profit percent in all?  

  1. 20%
  2. 24%
  3. 25%
  4. 30%

16. A trader offers 1 T-shirt free with each T-shirt purchased at the marked price. If he still makes a profit of 20%, at what percentage above the cost price has the trader set the marked price?  

  1. 100%
  2. 120%
  3. 150%
  4. 200%

sale two plus one free

17. A retailer is offered 2 free sarees for every bundle of 10 sarees he purchases from the wholesaler. He wants to offer 1 saree free for every 2 sarees purchased but still make a profit of 10%. At what percent above the cost price should he set the marked price?  

  1. 110%
  2. 125%
  3. 140%
  4. 165%

18. If the cost price of an article is 75% of its marked price and the trader allows a discount of 20% on the marked price, what is his gain or loss percent?

  1. 5% gain
  2. 6.66% gain
  3. 5% loss
  4. No loss no gain

19. On a marked price of Rs. 250, a shopkeeper offers successive discounts of 10%, 15% and 20% while his neighbour offers successive discounts of 20%, 15% abd 10%. Who sells it for lesser price?

  1. The first trader
  2. The second trader
  3. Both sell at the same price
  4. None of the above

20. A customer is offered 20% discount on purchase of an item but after billing, he notices that he has been given a discount of only 10%. The shopkeeper then returns 10% of the bill amount. How much did the customer lose or gain?

  1. Neither gained nor lost
  2. Gained 1%
  3. Lost 1%
  4. Lost 2%


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