Directions: In the questions given below, four options have been given. Click on the option which you think is the RIGHT ANSWER to the question.

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1. What is the number of vertebrae in humans?

2. Which is the longest bone in the human body?

3. Which of the following connects the Sternum to the ribs?

4. Which of the following is generally called a Sprain?

5. What is the number of saddle joints in human body?

6. What is the total number of bones found in right upper limb?

7. How many bones are present in human skull?

8. What is the total number of bones in the both the lower limbs of a man?

9. What is the number of floating ribs in humans?

10. What type of joint is found in wrist?

11. Which of the following is a Ball and Socket joint?

12. The branch of medical science which deals with the prevention or correction of the musculoskeletal system is called

13. Which of the following is a part of the pectoral girdle?

14. What are bone forming cells called?

15. How many bones does the axial skeleton have?

16. Which of the following is sesamoid bone?

17. At which place in the human body would you find the hyoid bone?

18. Which of the following is associated with pain in the lower back in a person?

19. Which of the following is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?

20. Which of the following bones of the skull is movable?

21. Which of the following bones is associated with hip replacement surgery?


22. The total number of facial bones is -

23. Which of the following is not associated with the bones in human body?

24. Which of the following joints can move in only direction?

25. The bones of cranium are joined by -

26. In the human body, the number of cervical vertebrae is -

27. The other name for knee cap is -

28. About how many bones does a newborn baby have?

29. The number of bones in the human body system is :

30. An example of ball and socket joint in the human body can be found in the –

31. Which bone is not attached to any other bone in the human body?

32. Ulna is a bone found in the –

33. Which of the following is the smallest bone in the human body?

34. Rickets is a disease of the bones caused due to the deficiency of which of the following nutrients?

35. How many finger bones or phalanges does each human hand have?

36. Where can the bone named clavicle be found?

37. Which of the following types of joint can be found at the elbow?

38. At which of the following places can irregular bones be found in human body?

39. How many bones can be found in each ear of the human body/

40. Which of the following bones is NOT found in a pair in the human body?